In continuing to address the increasing HIV/AIDS epidemic in South Florida, AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) will expand its services in Miami-Dade county, opening a new health care center in Miami’s Liberty City community. Located at 1498 NW 54th Street, Suite C, Miami, the new center will officially open on Saturday, June 24th with a grand opening celebration starting at 12:00p.m., with remarks by AHF Southern Bureau Chief Michael Kahane.
During the grand opening, AHF will be providing an array of resources for the community, including free testing for HIV and Hepatitis C as well as information on pharmacy and health care services.
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Florida ranks #1 across the country in terms of new diagnosed cases of HIV, with Miami-Dade ranking #1 throughout the state. The Florida Department of Health’s most recent Miami-Dade neighborhood profile data shows Zone VI, which includes Liberty City, has the highest number of people living with HIV/AIDS in the county, with close to 40% of those being out of care.
The CDC further states that nationally African Americans accounted for 45% of HIV diagnoses. One of Miami-Dade’s most underserved communities, Liberty City is home to one of the largest concentrations of African-Americans in South Florida (95% African American).
The AHF center will provide free, rapid, 1-minute HIV test as well as testing for Hepatitis C.
“Given the statistics nationally and locally that indicate the critical need for access to HIV care and prevention in Liberty City, as well as linkage to care for those living with HIV, we are pleased to be a local partner and provide these services to this community, to shift the trajectory of the current HIV epidemic, and to provide quality care to those living with HIV,” stated AHF Southern Bureau Chief Michael Kahane.
AHF currently provides services at health care facilities across Miami-Dade County at the following locations:
AHF Kinder Medical Group Healthcare Center – Miami
3661 S. Miami Ave.
Suite 806
Miami, FL 33133
AHF Healthcare Center – Jackson North
100 NW 170th Street
Suite 208
North Miami Beach, FL 33169
AHF Healthcare Center – One River Plaza
305 S. Andrews Avenue
Suite 601
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301
AHF Wellness Center – Midtown Miami
2900 Biscayne Blvd.
Miami, FL 33137
AHF Wellness Centers – South Beach
1613 Alton Road
Miami Beach, FL 33139
AHF Wellness Center – North Miami Beach
100 NW 170th St.
Suite 208
North Miami Beach, FL 33169
The Liberty City AHF Health Care Center will be open Monday – Friday from 9:00am – 5:00pm and will provide free, rapid, 1-minute HIV test and testing for Hepatitis C.