On Saturday, February 25, 2012, The City of Opa-locka Commissioner Rose Tydus hosted A Special Black History Month Edition of “Lunch & Learn: Cinema Saturdays” at the Opa-locka Municipal Complex, 780 Fisherman St., 2nd Floor, from 10:00 AM– 2:00 PM, where the theme, “Living the American Dream… A Reality or an ‘Inside Job,’” was addressed by guest speakers, and the controversial documentary “Inside Job.”
The “Lunch & Learn: Cinema Saturdays,” which is FREE to the residents of the City, is designed by Commissioner Rose Tydus, “…to enlighten and increase awareness of the conscience minded,” by utilizing a variety of movie themes to promote strong family values, unity, non-violence, health, hope, self-worth and historical awareness, during the monthly “cinemas” by which the Commissioner highlights a combination of issues with messages of personal and neighborhood improvement for the entire community. However, although everyone was welcomed, due to the profound nature and the profound content of February’s movie, Commissioner Tydus recommended “Inside Job,” for 13-years to Adult.
Oscar winning “Best Documentary” of 2011, “Inside Job,” narrated by Academy Award winner Matt Damon, thoroughly probed in-depth corruption which left millions of middle-class Americans jobless and homeless, as major corporations were bailed-out and paid millions in bonuses during the economic meltdown in 2007 and 2008. “Inside Job” was one of the most shocking, edifying and insightful film experiences to dissect America’s economic problem stemming from greed and power at the highest levels of government and banking, which lead to the recession. “Inside job” exposes those responsible for the loss of worldwide jobs, as it stirs anger and disgust among viewers, while sparking the desire to see the responsible culprits pay in lieu of receiving bail-outs for having inappropriately used investor’s money to finance personal interests. Filmmaker Charles Ferguson gives a depressing, but realistic look into a problem that appears to have no answers or hopes for “Living the American Dream,” as the public grows weary and doubtful about the ability to change the situation.
This “Special” Black History Month Edition of the ‘Lunch & Learn: Cinema Saturdays,’ also included, Black History games, facts, door prizes, entertainment by rap group N.O.G. (Nothing Over God), motivational speakers Nick Zizi and Real Estate Broker/former Citibank Executive Don Parker, who trailed “INSIDE JOB” excerpts with an analogy and a historical account of the Black labor force from slavery to the present, emphasizing the importance of need for African-Americans to transcend into entrepreneurship, due to the Black labor force becoming obsolete as a result of foreign outsourcing. Motivational speaker Nick Zizi who, through lecture and audience participation, challenged and engaged spectators to destroy every self-imposed limitation and maximize their potential, “…because there are more possibilities (like never before) to be all that you are destined to be!”
As the opening act and ice breaker for the “Lunch & Learn”, taking center stage was a “movement” comprised of a group of young African-American artists who transformed their lives to convey positive messages through upbeat rap music. Performing two original songs (Hypocrite and Victory) and a remix (Walk it like I talk it), N.O.G., who’s “typical” hip-hop appearance “threw” an unexpected audience “for a loop” with non-pretentious attitudes, praises, wholesome words and instructional lyrics on being better and becoming blessed. N.O.G can be seen and heard at their website… Nothingovergod.com
To wrap-up the event, in honor of the traditional Africa-American Soul Food meal, guest were SERVED lunch, consisting of Barbeque chicken, macaroni and cheese, collard greens, yams, cornbread and red velvet cake, accompanied by sweet ice tea which was prepared by Tasty’s Soul Food and The Sweet Boutique.
According to Commissioner Tydus, it is through the corporate sponsorship of various businesses like AT&T that she is able to afford the opportunity to residents, particularly the youth, to view FREE quality movies in their own backyard, while receiving an enjoyable hot lunch and a comprehensive learning experience. According to Tydus, this type of support from businesses along with the dissemination of information and knowledge at these events can have a long-term effect on individuals within the community, with regard to behavior, expectation, optimism, community perspective, social-consciousness, and worldly exposure. Commissioner Tydus stated, “My mission is to continue setting goals to educate, unite and empower residents in the City of Opa-locka through programs and initiatives such as “Lunch & Learn: Cinema Saturdays,” so that the residents of Opa-locka WILL have real expectations of “Living the American Dream.”