The main event has begun, folks – and it could get interesting – or not.
Now stepping into the election ring is the challenger, Councilwoman Karyn Cunningham, taking on Mayor Gene Flinn. In this battle of Village titans, the alphabetical order is going to drive Gene nuts because, from this point forward in all election stories – which, of course, should be fair and unbiased – he will continue to receive second billing at every ribbon cutting, ball game, and baby-kissing event.
You can count on those two attending everything between now and Nov. 8. Running joke is that these politicians attend every envelope-opening and in the process, jab each other for prime photo placement. And, you can count on every single nostril blast being posted on their social media channels. It exhausts me to try to follow either of them on Facebook.
It’s hard to tell these two apart in many ways. They both communicate endlessly in the same channels, and they appear to be in lock step with their voting on Village issues. Consider this fact: Among the 426 Resolutions they’ve voted on since December of 2014, the beginning of their current terms, they only didn’t vote together 4% of the time – that’s just 18 Resolutions where Karyn and Gene didn’t agree. I’d love to give you the stats on the real meat, the Ordinances/laws; however, village administration doesn’t seem to want to publish that important public index – too bad.
So, we’ll be curiously watching who throws the first punch, who hits below the belt, and who delivers the KO. Meanwhile, right at press time, a poll was taken among 400 people in the Village – and it strongly suggests that seated Councilman David Singer could be the next mayor.
Where’s Don King when you need him?
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