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Please be advised that the Village of Palmetto Bay is seeking members to be appointed by the Village Council to the Art-in-Public Places Advisory Board (“AIPP”). 

Purpose: Pursuant to Division 30-160 of the Village Code of Ordinances,  The purpose of the Village of Palmetto Bay Art in Public Places (AIPP) Program is to promote the general welfare by encouraging pride in the community, increasing property values, enhancing the quality of life through artistic opportunities, uniting the community through shared cultural experiences, and creating a cultural legacy for future generations through the collection and exhibition of high-quality art pieces that reflect diverse styles, chronicling history through the collection of artifacts, documents and memorabilia that will acknowledge the past and create programs and activities that will further these goals. The AIPP program is administered by the planning and zoning department of the Village. 


Duties: The board shall review and propose artwork items to be acquired under the village’s art in public places program. The board shall issue a recommendation to the village council for all artwork program acquisitions in accordance with this division. The board shall oversee the public education, and curatorial aspects of the program. The planning and zoning director, or his/her designee shall be the liaison to the board, shall prepare a budget for staff and other expenditures necessary to operate the program and shall deliver an annual report to the village council. The board shall screen submissions and will recommend to the village council for final authorization for each acquisition not more than three possible selections, which may be existing works of art or new commissions.


Membership and Term Limits (Sec. 30-160.4): The Village Council shall appoint members to the public art board, which board shall consist of seven (7) members. Each Councilmember, the Manager, and the Planning and Zoning Director shall each nominate a member, and the Village Council shall vote on the selection of each member. The required quorum shall consist of three (3) members. 

The board members shall serve for four (4) years, under staggered terms, serving without compensation. Each board member must be knowledgeable in one of the identified fields of: fine art, be employed by any art dealer, art gallery, artists’ representative, museum, or other entity which derives income from the sale or display of artwork, be a professional in the field of art, architecture art history, architectural history, urban planning, landscape architecture, interior design, graphic or product design, or possess a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in said field from an accredited university, or be involved in an art program within the community. 

To ensure a balanced and diverse board it is recommended, but not required, that two of the board members be from the following professions: architect (landscape architect, architect, architectural historian, or urban planner), a skilled professional in the field of fine art (fine art history, art dealer, art gallery, artists’ representative, museum curator, etc.), an interior designer, or a professor of art or art history.


Meetings and Conflict of Interest: If any member fails to attend two of three successive meetings without cause and without prior approval of the chairman, the committee shall declare the member’s office vacant, and the Village Council shall promptly fill that vacancy. If any member of the public art committee shall find that his private or personal interests are involved in the matter coming before the committee, he shall disqualify himself from all participation in that matter. No member of the public art committee shall have his or her work of art considered or approved by the public art committee during their term of service on the committee or for one-year thereafter.


Residents interested in applying to serve on the Art-in-Public Places (AIPP) Board must provide a resume, a list of qualifications including the submittal of an Advisory Board/Committee Application to the Office of the Village Clerk at: The application can be obtained from the Village Clerk. 

For additional information and/or inquiries, please contact Missy Arocha, Village Clerk at (305) 259-1234, or via email to:  

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