The warmth of Hanukkah was felt in the Village of Palmetto Bay on Sunday, Dec. 1. Despite intermittent rain, nearly 100 residents gathered in and around the Coral Reef Park gazebo for a festive Hanukkah celebration hosted by the Chabad of Palmetto Bay.
Local children were excited by the creative crafts, bounce house, Hanukkah games, and surprise door prizes. The children were especially wowed by the six-foot tall Candy Menorah. Village Mayor Shelly Stanczyk and Councilmember Patrick Fiore participated in the traditional candle lighting and brought official greetings from the community.
While the children played, residents of all ages enjoyed the traditional holiday delicacies of latkes (potato pancakes) and donuts, and had the opportunity to learn more about Hanukkah and its traditions. Dozens of menorahs, dreidels and Hanukkah gelt (chocolate coins) were distributed amid rousing holiday music and dancing.
The afternoon’s festivities came to a climax when former Mayor Eugene Flinn and Palmetto Bay Village Council candidate Karyn Cunningham dismantled the Candy Menorah and showered the delighted children with a sweet taste of the holiday. Hanukkah in Palmetto Bay was a day when the raindrops turned into lemon drops and gumdrops.
For information about future community classes and events visit www.JewishPalmettoBay.org or call 786-208-9222.