Hanukkah will be celebrated by the Village of Palmetto Bay at Coral Reef Park, 7895 SW 152 St., on Sunday, Dec. 13, from 2 to 4 p.m.
The free event, centered at the Gazebo/Bandshell near 77th Avenue, is being hosted by Chabad of Palmetto Bay. There will be activities for all ages including a bounce house, live olive oil press show, kids arts and crafts, music and raffles. Traditional holiday delicacies, donuts and Hanukkah gelt (chocolate coins) will be served.
Local dignitaries from the community will join with Rabbi Zalman Gansburg. The Grand Lighting of a minion menorah will be at 3 p.m.
The entire community is invited to attend this event. For more information visit www.JewishPalmettoBay.org or call 786-208-9222.