Miami-Dade County Commission adopts Complete Streets Design Guidelines

The Miami-Dade County Commission adopted a resolution on June 6 establishing policy that the county’s streets should be designed in accordance with the Complete Streets Design Guidelines.

The adoption and implementation of the Complete Streets Design Guidelines — as recommended by Neat Streets Miami on Feb. 21 — will empower engineers and planners to design, construct and operate roads in a way that balances all modes of transportation within a context-sensitive approach that takes street typology and land use types into consideration when planning street enhancements.

The Guidelines were created through a grant funded by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Florida Department of Health in Miami-Dade, and are a product of the Safer People, Safer Streets Local Action Plan intended specifically for use by the county and its 34 municipalities.

Housed in the Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Department, Neat Streets Miami is a multi-jurisdictional county board dedicated to the maintenance and beautification of transportation corridors, gateways and connections.

For more information about Neat Streets Miami, visit

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