Miami-Dade launching series of workshops on sea level rise

Miami-Dade County is seeking active participation from the community as it identifies adaptation strategies to address sea level rise.

The county will be hosting a series of public workshops where members of the public will have the opportunity to express their views concerning the social, environmental and economic impacts of sea level rise. Many local experts will be available to answer questions and to guide conversations in small groups to learn more about sea level rise in the county and strategies that can be explored to address anticipated impacts.

One of the workshops will take place on Saturday, Apr. 13, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., at the Deering Estate in Palmetto Bay, coinciding with Baynanza Biscayne Bay Cleanup Day.

If community members are unable to attend one of the workshops, they are encouraged to participate in an online survey to give the county feedback on sea level rise adaptation.

Although Miami-Dade has experienced a relatively small amount of sea level rise to date, the rate of sea level rise in the region is expected to accelerate significantly in coming decades. It is anticipated that there will be approximately two feet of sea level rise by 2060 in the region. Rising sea levels will result in increased flooding hazards in all parts of the county.

For more information, contact Sandra St. Hilaire, resilience coordinator, by email at or phone at 305-790- 5472.

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