Palmer Trinity School student Kevin Chardavoyne has received the highest advancement rank in Boy Scouting, the Eagle Scout award.
Chardavoyne completed all requirements, including a fundraising event that attempted to break the Guinness World Record for the Longest Conga Line on Ice. He also built and installed a bat house in the butterfly garden at Palmer Trinity School as part of his project.
“We are very proud of Kevin and his accomplishments,” said Ashley Chapman, head of Middle School. “This is a great honor for one of our students and is much deserved because of his commitment to the ideals of the Boy Scouts. We appreciate an organization such as the Boys Scouts of America whose traditions build character and develop skills that enable young men to become responsible citizens.”
The rank of Eagle Scout, awarded to only about 4 percent of Boy Scouts since its establishment in 1912, requires young men to demonstrate good citizenship and care for their community, leadership qualities, and outdoor skills. In addition, they must earn 21 merit badges, develop a service project within their community, and pass the Eagle Board Review before their 18th birthday.
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