Florida Election & Voter Guide available for November vote

As election season kicks into high gear following the political conventions, the League of Women Voters of Florida Education Fund (LWVFEF) is offering millions of state voters important, nonpartisan information about the crucial decisions they’ll be making on Election Day. The just-published 2012 Florida Election & Voter Guide includes information on the presidential contenders as well as statewide candidates, Supreme Court justices and the 11 constitutional amendments on the Florida ballot.

With a print run of 1.1 million, copies of the Voter Guide will be provided in all 67 counties through newspapers, local libraries, civic organizations and local Leagues.

The Voter Guide also is available online at the League website,  http://thefloridavoter.org/.

As a volunteer organization, LWVFEF gathers and assembles Voter Guide information from candidates’ responses to questionnaires as well as pro-con analyses of constitutional amendments based on League research and consensus-developed policy. The Voter Guide offers information but does not make recommendations or endorsements.

League president Deirdre Macnab says that Voter Guide information can help Floridians make up their minds about the complex and critical issues they will confront on Election Day.

“Florida citizens will be looking for information to help them navigate critical choices: picking our future leadership and making decisions that affect the future of Florida’s economy, jobs, housing, healthcare, education, natural resources and families,” Macnab said. “The League’s Voter Guide puts it all in one easy-to- understand tool.”

The Voter Guide also be will printed and distributed in Spanish.

To request copies of the Voter Guide from a local League, see

http://thefloridavoter.org/aboutlwvfl/localleagues for contact information.

Macnab also notes that with the changes to Florida’s election laws, it is essential for all voters to check their status to ensure their eligibility to vote. To register to vote, check voter status and election information, and to view local candidate questionnaires when available, visit www.BeReadyToVote.org, a voter service website provided by the League of Women Voters of Florida Education Fund.

The 2012 Florida Election & Voter Guide is made possible through the support of American Express, Florida Bar, Wells Fargo, League of Women Voters of North Pinellas County, Harriett Lake and Elayne Goodman.

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