The Miracle League of Miami-Dade has been selected by the State Farm Youth Advisory Board as a finalist for the 2013 Neighborhood Assist Grant.
As a finalist, the Miracle League will compete in a nationwide Facebook voting competition to win the $25,000 grant. This funding will be used towards the construction of a baseball field designed specifically for children with special needs in Miami-Dade County. Facebook voting continues through Apr. 22.
To help the Miracle League achieve its goal and win State Farm’s grant, vote the cause at < league>. Supporters can vote up to 10 times per day for the Miracle League of Miami-Dade and then share the cause through Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and any other social media avenues.
The Miracle League of Miami Dade Field will impact children and their families by providing the proper environment where children can play baseball and know that it was created with their needs in mind.
More than 255 Miracle League organizations operate across the United States and internationally with the goal of empowering children with disabilities to experience the joy of baseball regardless of their ability to play. The Miracle League allows each player to bat, field and score in each inning of the game.
Since January 2011 a capital campaign has been under way to raise $1,500,000 to construct this handicapped-accessible facility. The Miracle League park will include a special surfaced baseball field, an accessible playground, accessible parking, an indoor facility with ADAbathrooms and a concession stand and many other community park amenities.
Check the Miracle League out on Facebook to see photos from recent games and see upcoming game dates at
Go to to learn more and make a contribution.