Larry S. Forman received the sixth annual “Journey of Dreams” Community Leadership Award by Parent to Parent of Miami during a ceremony on Nov. 6 at the JW Marriott.
The award is bestowed upon an individual who has demonstrated and sustained leadership practices in the community that have resulted in strong partnerships for the benefit of children and adults with disabilities.
Forman, founder and director of Comprehensive Rehabilitation Consultants Inc. and Children’s Rehab Network, was chosen for the award based on his vision, leadership and perseverance. He is a long-standing advocate for people with disabilities making the difference in the lives of children and families.
His work involving people with special needs is recognized on a local and national level and he has participated on various boards and committees including Shake-a-Leg Miami, Florida Brain Injury Association, and President’s Committee on Employment of the Handicapped.
“Our goal is to work together to make sure individuals with disabilities are seen as people first,” Forman said in his acceptance speech. “People with unique needs should and can be treated fairly and equally. The goals still haven’t been reached and there are still battles for us to fight.
“I know that Parent to Parent will continue to be the leader that it has been and will continue to embrace parents of younger children, bringing them into the fold and giving them the support that they need,” he added.
“Larry’s heart is filled with love and compassion,” said Isabel C. Garcia, executive director of Parent to Parent. “Parent to Parent of Miami’s monthly support groups were blessed with his unconditional support. Larry is always a strong voice for children with disabilities and their families.”
The Journey of Dreams Benefit Awards were created to recognize and honor individuals in Miami-Dade who are dedicated to improving and promoting initiatives that benefit children and adults with disabilities and their families. The awards honor three categories including the Community Leadership Award, Education Leadership Award and Excellence in Family Advocacy Award.
For additional information on the awards visit www.ptopmiami.org/journeyofdreams.