Now available in several languages, Satan’s Trojan Horses: Spiritual Eyeopeners by Barbara Heslop-Mickens!
Demons do exist! Barbara Heslop-Mickens new book Satan’s Trojan Horses: Spiritual Eyeopeners exposes “seven beguiling spirits that have joined forces to take out believers”! These deceptive demons that lurk in darkness’ main goal is to instill crippling fear and abort ones life purpose. But this mind-altering book reveals how to defeat these forces of evil and live victoriously!
Dynamic and inspiring Christian author, Barbara Heslop-Mickens is viewed by some of her peers as a prophetic Harriet Tubman in the spirit realm. She operates in ministries of deliverance and healing, combined with a profound accuracy in Word of Knowledge.
Professionally she has more than 30 years working in various areas of public television, advertising, teaching and social services. Barbara currently resides in the sunshine state of Florida where she enjoys, writing, interior decorating, cooking and gardening.
Heslop-Mickens is also the author of the children’s book: Toby, the Busted Bum (2008).
Satan’s Trojan Horses: Spiritual Eye Openers is published by Trilogy: A wholly owned subsidiary of Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN). Available online at &