A Labor Day labor of love

A Labor Day labor of love

While many enjoyed time at the beach or on the bay over the Labor Day Weekend, volunteers from various parts of South Florida joined together at the MorningStar Renewal Center in Pinecrest to build a prayer labyrinth. The Roman Catholic and Lutheran churches constructed the labyrinth as a gift to the entire community during this 500th anniversary year of the Reformation.

Sue DeFerrari, Director of MorningStar said, “The project is an expression of partnership and friendship, and is intended to be available to all.”

The labyrinth is a circular pathway with a unicursal design, meaning there is one way in, and one way out. It has been a vehicle for contemplation for centuries, and used by a wide variety of religious and spiritual groups.

MorningStar Renewal Center is located at 7275 SW 124 Street. A dedication of the labyrinth will be held on Sunday afternoon, October 1 at 4 p.m. The entire community is invited.

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