Baseball buddies make a difference

Baseball buddies make a difference
Baseball buddies make a difference
Pictured is MiracleLeague player Alejandro Argote with buddy Taylor Burroughs.

“Being able to play baseball has truly enriched Juan’s life and it is clear that it has enriched the lives of the boys and girls who have been Baseball Buddies to the players,” said Alex Sanchez, the father of a nine-year-old Miracle League player. “The games have really displayed our community at its very best. I am grateful everyday for the friendship that Juan’s buddies have given him and their help in making baseball possible for him.”

One of the most important elements of the Miracle League is our unique Baseball Buddy program. Every Miracle League player is partnered with a buddy for each game to protect the player from balls, assist the player in batting and running the bases, and to be a friend both on and off the field.

Baseball Buddies are members of our community, age 12- 21, who volunteer their time and love to help our special needs children and their families. Buddies come to the Miracle League from local baseball and softball leagues, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, area schools and community youth groups. All Miracle League Baseball Buddies attend our buddy basic skills training provided by our director of Baseball Buddies, a licensed Miami Dade school counselor with expertise in special needs children. This training provides guidelines and direction on how to have fun and make the experience safe and enjoyable for our Miracle children.

“I am inspired to be the best I can be by the kids I have met,” said Palmetto Middle School student Taylor Burroughs, one of the Miracle League’s first Baseball Buddies. “I enjoy helping out on Saturdays. Being a buddy has been a very special experience for me.”

With the support of our many volunteers and buddies, the Miracle League has been able to hold six games at local parks as we raise awareness and funds to build our own Miracle League Park. I invite you to become a part of this project and see the joy you can help give these children.

Watch for dates for our next Baseball Buddy training session at and go to to learn more and make a contribution. Contact me at 786-224-4800 or lmays@miracleleagueofmiamidade. org

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