On a Sunday morning in October, I was strolling through the Pinecrest Gardens Farmers Market, one of the world’s most beautiful green markets, looking for artistic inspiration.
I passed all the usual suspects — Zak the Baker, the popcorn dudes, the barbecue guys and Sydney the flower guru when I stopped at one of the world’s most glorious ice cream stands, Roc Kat, where proprietor and all around good guy Allan Vino told me about what was g’wan on in the MIA this season. First he told me about Pharell Wedding at the Kampong — talk about aesthetic — and how his wife loves Allan’s frozen creation Anna Banana. With all this, I got to figuring: Everything had lined up to talk about the Rastaman vibrations returning to the 305.
At HistoryMiami downtown, you can emancipate yourself from mental slavery as Bob Marley Messenger continues its threemonth stint until January. None but ourselves can free our minds. Located in the Miami-Dade Cultural Center at 101 West Flagler Street, a mere broad jump away from Metrorail’s Government Center Station, HistoryMiami will set an adult back $8 if one wishes to be transported to the reggae revolutionary’s hypnotic universe. Who gave such hope to so many as Mr. Marley?
The prophet is highlighted in this traveling extravaganza, which began on Oct. 11 and runs through Jan. 5. Curated by LA’s Grammy Museum, itself devoted to exploring and celebrating music, Bob Marley Messenger focuses on Marley — man, myth, and legend — who still gives voice to the disenfranchised throughout the world even 30 years after his premature, untimely death. These are the kinds of lyrics that inspired the downtrodden: Until the philosophy which holds one race superior and another inferior is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned, everywhere is war. Forty varied items including photos have been donated by the Marley family.
In Miami, a special, local addition to the exhibit has been organized by the museum itself, designed to expound upon Marley’s influence on South Florida. More lyrics: That until there are no longer first-class and second-class citizens of any nation. Until the color of a man’s skin is of no more significance than the color of his eyes, me say war.
With Marley, wisdom and flair go hand and hand. Charisma may often be elusive; Marley personified it. Proof is the industry surrounding the green, yellow and red Marley legacy – tee shirts, Kymani, jewelry, Damian, accessories, Ziggy. These are all artistic fallout from Bob himself. Travel all over the world, and the Marley brand, with genuine love and respect, adorns world citizens conscious of the morality Bob Marley spoke about, all colorfully and gloriously rendered — basic human rights equally guaranteed to all without regard to race. Bob Marley – icon and messenger.
Bob Marley Messenger is another proper display of great memories from Jamaica via LA to our own downtown Miami which you might want to experience.
Carl Rachelson is a teacher at Palmer Trinity School and a regular contributor to the Pinecrest Tribune. He may be contacted by addressing email to <crachelson@palmertrinity.org>.