Children for Children conducted its first car wash of the season on Sunday September 22, at the Mobil gas station at 104 Street in Pinecrest. The nonprofit organization was cofounded by Jessica Medwin and Kylie O’Day
The girls started this organization in 2017. It has now grown into a club at Gulliver Prep.
The car wash was a huge success for the community and raised close to $2500 for charities that are partnered with Children for Children.
The money raised will be donated to Tikva, a Jewish orphanage in the Ukraine and to His House Children’s Home in Miami, a Christian based foster care facility. Children for Children will host another car wash on Sunday November 10 from 1-4 p.m. The organization looks forward to continuing its mission to foster cultural awareness, tolerance and commonalities of the soul through connection, social media and guest speakers.
The nonprofit organization will continue to host events to raise money for these orphanages/foster homes. Children for Children believes that all individuals are the same on the inside despite different backgrounds, ethnicity, gender , sexual orientation, or religious beliefs. The club at Gulliver Prep will foster that mission through its workshops and community drives.