USTAFlorida will bring its Team Tennis Challenge series for players ages 7-18 to South Florida at Crandon Park Tennis Facility, 7300 Crandon Blvd. in Key Biscayne, on Apr. 25-26.
The event is “BYOT” (bring your own team), and teams do not need to have prior participation in a local league to participate. USTA members and non-members are invited to participate, and all players will receive a complimentary lunch on Saturday during the event.
“USTA Florida Team Tennis Challenges offer fewer restrictions, allowing more teams to participate,” said USTA Florida associate executive director Andy McFarland. “They also give players who are not yet USTA members the opportunity to experience our events and programs, while offering a clear value proposition for our junior members.”
The two-day tournament will host divisions that will include 10-under advanced, 11-14 and 14-18, with three skill divisions: novice, intermediate and advanced. All age 11 to 18 intermediate/advanced teams need a minimum of two boys and two girls. Ten-and-under advanced and all novice teams are gender-blind with a minimum of four players and a maximum of eight players.
The 10-under age advanced and all novice divisions will play with the greendot ball on a full-size court. Players ages 10 or younger must play in their natural age division. The green-dot ball also will be used in the older novice age divisions.
Registration now is open for the event and coaches are encouraged to register teams early. The cost for early registration is just $25 for USTA members and $35 for non-members. Prices will increase two weeks prior to the event. Facilities and coaches who bring teams to the event will receive special incentives.
To register visit online at: For more information about Team Tennis Challenges, the facility/coach incentive program, and a list of upcoming events visit online at