Dr. Mario Almeida hasn’t raised his prices in almost a decade.
A specialist in the field of internal medicine and a subspecialist in nephrology and hypertension, Dr. Almeida continues to apply his patented combination of modern technology and traditional individual care.
But he understands that, for many of his patients, times are difficult. Though there have been great advances in medicine, they have been accompanied by skyrocketing costs that often price care beyond what people can afford.
He believes that a return to basics is in order in how patients are treated and what resources are used to meet their needs.
“Realistically, if you can’t afford the care, that equates to no care,” said Dr. Almeida. “The prices that some hospitals are applying to patients in our community are incredible. You go in for a three-day stay and see a $50 thousand bill. No one can afford that. So one of the things that I’m trying to do, as best as I can, is work with patients within the limits of what they can afford and provide them with the best, affordable care I can.”
Dr. Almeida avoids exorbitance. He refuses to turn patients away, even if they have no insurance. He keeps patient fees reasonable by developing workable payment plans, maintaining diagnostic codes to prevent price hikes and prescribing the most affordable and effective medication possible.
“In a land of such plenty, with all the resources we have, we’re really shooting ourselves in the foot by pricing out our patients,” he said. “I think we as a society are the ones who determine how much we value things and are willing to spend. Right now we’re putting a lot of money into bells and whistles—a lot of money into technology—but we’re not reducing risk by practicing common sense medicine.”
In private practice since 1988, Dr. Almeida previously served as president of staff and chief of medicine at Doctor’s Hospital and is a member of the Critical Care Committee. He is active as an expert on the speaking circuit on the subjects of Type 2 diabetes management, hypertension, cholesterol management, anemia associated with kidney disease and cardiology.
Voted one of South Florida’s “Top Ten Doctors” by Vitals.com, he has also won the Patient’s Choice Award and been recognized with the Compassionate Doctor’s Certificate.
“Some of my colleagues are pushed to raise their prices to make ends meet,” he said. “They have to enhance their revenues and sometimes that’s done by billing to a higher level of code. I wonder whether that’s the right thing to do. At the end of the day, we all have to take a big step back and think about our patients, how we’re treating them and how we can best serve them as doctors.”
Dr. Mario Almeida’s office is located in South Miami at One 7000 Place, Suite 605. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. For information, call 305-218-1133.
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