Are you buried under draining to-do lists, never-ending activities, non-stop phone calls, messages and email? Do you rush from meeting to meeting trying to keep up with the demands of the day? Are you exhausted and overwhelmed? Would you like to have more energy to get it all done?
Recharging your batteries is fundamental to your vitality, health and performance. Without inspiration and energy, it’s difficult to be your best. The list of ways to energize your life is endless. I asked a few clients to share how they recharge. In the midst of the fast-paced world we live in, these sharp, successful professionals still find time to renew and re-vitalize themselves. Here’s how they do it.
Linda, an entrepreneur, practices yoga three to four a week. She finds it relaxing and refreshing, and says it helps her to be more focused.
Elaine, a sales executive, gets her daily inspiration from an early morning walk on the beach. She makes it a point to hit the beach before she becomes busy and distracted. The early morning solitude gives her time to clear her thoughts and prepare for the day ahead.
Rick, a CFO, listens to audio books during his 45-minute commute. His full schedule leaves little time for reading, so he uses the drive time as his “rolling university.”
John, a partner in a law firm, has rediscovered the pleasure of writing poetry. Years ago, 25 years or so now, John enjoyed expressing himself through poetry. As his life became busier, poetry fell by the wayside. As we worked together, John began to re-connect with his talent for writing poetry and the enjoyment he had always found in it. He says it helps him to problem solve and think differently when he is working. And, this outlet inspires and energizes him.
Is it time for you to make changes so that you are more productive and more effective in your work and your life? Are you ready to re-energize and refocus so that you can greet each day with renewed energy and vitality? The following are tips designed to help you put more zest and energy back into your life:
• Have a medical checkup. If you continuously feel tired or drained, there may be a physical reason behind it. Having an annual exam can help you stay on top of health issues and give you peace of mind about your health.
• Get moving. Find a form of exercise that you enjoy and do it 3-4 times each week. Getting the blood pumping and oxygen moving will give you an energy boost and a sense of well-being that will carry through the day.
• Simplify your life. Clean out closets, drawers and storage spaces. Get rid of things you no longer use. Give away clothes that you have not worn in the last year. Cut back on volunteer activities, outside obligations and other responsibilities that drain your valuable time and energy.
• Get quiet. Build time into your schedule to get quiet and relax. You have to be intentional about setting aside time for yourself to relax and rejuvenate. Plan at least five minutes a day just for you.
• Show appreciation. Take time each day to express gratitude. Appreciate yourself and your accomplishments, and let others know you appreciate them, too. What you appreciate will appreciate.
Without inspiration and energy, it’s challenging to be your best. Make it a point to do something every day to revitalize and re-energize. What will you do today?
Pat Morgan, MBA and professional coach, works with busy professionals to help them become more profitable and productive by capitalizing on their strengths and taking focused action to create powerful change. Call her at 305-458-2849, or send email to or visit her website at