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Pinecrest, Palmetto Bay, Cutler Bay, Homestead and Florida City develop a plan that proposes solutions to county traffic, while building for a future that considers each municipality’s character and aesthetic.
The South Dade Municipal Coalition – made up of Pinecrest, Palmetto Bay, Cutler Bay, Homestead and Florida City – developed a report that addresses county-wide traffic while, maintaining each municipality’s individual character and aesthetic along US 1.
The coalition, founded in 2007, drafted a report in response to a 2021 Rapid Transit Zone (RTZ) draft ordinance written by a member of the Miami-Dade County Board of Commissioners. The draft ordinance would give Miami-Dade County control over zoning, and apply a blanket approach to mixed-used residential density and intensity along the Bus Rapid Transit route, parallel to US 1.
The South Dade Municipal Coalition (SDMC) report delineates how each municipality can have control of its identity and character, while providing opportunity for mixed-use residential development at transit hubs that extend the length of US 1 starting at the Dadeland North Metrorail Station and into Florida City.
Additionally, the report shows what each municipality is doing to encourage Transit Oriented Development (TOD) to facilitate and sustain substantial investments in regional transit solutions or has done to ensure compliance with the County’s Land Use Objectives to encourage TOD.
SDMC thanks the Miami-Dade County Board of Commissioners for hearing each municipality concerns and working on this very important matter.
2021 RTZ Draft Ordinance Background:
In the spring of 2021, Vice Chairman Gilbert initiated meetings with Miami-Dade League of Cities representatives to introduce a draft RTZ ordinance that explores the merging of the original 1980s Rapid Transit Zone Plan, and the more recently developed SMART Plan. The proposed ordinance, if adopted, would have the effect of:
● Permitting a maximum of 125-250 dwelling units per acre within a radius expanding from each planned or existing urban center/transit station.
● Expanding the SMART Plan densities and intensities 1/2 mile in either direction of every SMART Plan transit corridor throughout the County – irrespective of municipal boundaries
● Expanding the SMART Plan densities and intensities one mile in either direction of the 836-transit corridor – irrespective of municipal boundaries
In South Dade, this would generally affect all properties within a 1/4 mile radius of stations, as well as all properties 1/2 mile on either side of the South Dade Transitway (US 1 corridor) between transit stations from Dadeland North Metrorail Station south to the Park n’ Ride at SW 344 Street in Florida City.
SDMC would like to thank the Miami-Dade County Board of Commissioners for hearing each municipality concerns and working on this very important matter.