Funding the completion of Miami-Dade County Water and Sewer infrastructure in Pinecrest

The Village Council is set to meet Thursday, January 17, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. at Village Hall, 12645 Pinecrest Parkway, to discuss the topic of how to fund the completion of Miami-Dade County Water and Sewer infrastructure. Currently 742 out of 6,500 properties in Pinecrest do not have access to the county’s water system/fire hydrant system.

The Village Council will discuss whether to move forward with a referendum via mail-in ballot or a non-binding poll to gauge the will of property owners to fund the infrastructure through a 20-year bond that would increase the Village’s millage rate by .2232 to cover the $1,020,000 annual debt payment. Based on the median assessed property value in Pinecrest of approximately $687,200 that would translate to $154 per year.

The special meeting is being held this Thursday due to Miami-Dade Department of Elections scheduling limitations that were recently communicated to the Village.

In 2007, the Village began a capital project to bring water lines and fire hydrants to approximately 1,500 properties that did not have access to county water. Using funds from Miami-Dade County and the State of Florida, the project was partially completed and brought access to water and fire hydrants to approximately 750 properties (exclusive of the connection costs for each individual property, which are borne solely by the affected property owner). Pinecrest turned over the new infrastructure to the Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department, as it is the Village’s water utility. The Village’s efforts to obtain funds from county, state and/or federal governments to complete the infrastructure, at no direct cost to the remaining Pinecrest residents without system access have been unsuccessful.

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