Henry O. Langston, Gulliver Schools’ dean of faculty, has been selected to serve on the Florida Chamber Foundation’s Six Pillars Caucus System.
Langston will join other leaders from across Florida on the Talent Supply & Education Caucus to help craft the first-ever, statewide strategic plan for Florida’s future economy.
The Six Pillars Caucus System is a qualitative research program aimed to engage the best and brightest minds in the state to identify critical factors determining Florida’s future, including:
• Talent supply and education,
• Innovation and economic development,
• Infrastructure and growth leadership,
• Business climate and competitiveness,
• Civic and governance systems,
• Quality of life and quality of places.
Langston, along with other Caucus members, will develop a plan for the state to more rigorously develop high-wage jobs, global competitiveness and vibrant communities by the year 2030. Since the program was launched last year, members have been constructing the foundation for the plan. In its second year, Caucus deliberations will become more focused in order to finalize the first draft.
New Caucus members were selected through a competitive process. With the development of the strategic plan becoming more focused in 2011, Langston and other volunteers were chosen for their specific proficiencies that compliment the collective expertise of the current members.
For a complete list of Six Pillars Caucus members, visit online at www.FLFoundation.org/Caucus.