Peter Casablanca is running for Pinecrest Village Council District 3. Currently Owner/Managing Director of Casablanca Development Co., he is married to Ana Maria and father of Jordan, Paris, Jacob, and Marco, and has been living in Pinecrest for nearly 20 years.
Why you are running:
I am running in order to serve my community. I have the unique privilege that all four of my children – grown up and still growing – currently live here in Pinecrest, including my four grandkids. I love this community and I want it to continue to prosper.
Motivation to run for office:
I’ve always been a motivated person who enjoys challenges, interacting with others, and listening to people’s thoughts and opinions. I want to make a positive difference for my family and for my community. I believe that serving as a Councilmember will allow me a great opportunity to do just that, while allowing me to serve others.
Personal/professional background:
I have been an entrepreneur and business owner for more than 30 years, running my own design and construction firm. I interact with many different people who possess many different skills and strengths, and together we are able to accomplish our goals as a collaborative team. I believe in hiring top talent and inspiring them to be even better. These are qualities that I will bring to my role as member of the Pinecrest Village Council.
Vision of the village:
Pinecrest is a beautiful place to live and raise a family. I want to preserve this quality and strive to make our municipality even better. First and foremost, it has to be a safe place to live, work, and play. It is essential that the Council be respectful and responsive to the needs of the people of Pinecrest. I also want to emphasize common sense when spending the Pinecrest residents’ tax dollars.
Why Pinecrest is unique:
Pinecrest is a very special and unique place. It has a proud history and so many treasures such as Pinecrest Gardens. We have outstanding parks, tree-lined streets, and amazingly beautiful homes – old and new. We also boast excellent schools that make our village such desirable and positive place to live. Mostly, I love the peacefulness and sense of community I feel by living here. In fact, I can’t go to a local coffee shop or grocery store without saying hello to a friend or fellow neighbor. In this day and age, Pinecrest is truly special and truly a village!
Accessibility & getting the word out:
You’ve heard of an “open-door” policy. Well, I have an “open cell phone” policy. My number is displayed on all my campaign brochures, which I share with everyone I meet. I encourage residents to call me if they want to talk issues or just to chat. I want to hear what they have to say and what I can learn from them. The council works for Pinecrest residents – the residents are the boss.
I have truly enjoyed meeting so many amazing and interesting people while campaigning. Whether it is in a public forum or a small-group lunch or during a one-on-one meeting at their front door as they’re geting home from work, I am humbled and grateful that folks are willing to listen as a virtual stranger shares why their vote is so important – and why they should vote for me for council.
Little known fact:
I was the youngest person to become a professional Jai-alai player at the age of 16. During the 14 years I spent playing professional Jai-alai, I was named Rookie of the Year, Most Wins Champion, and American Singles Champion. I’m also proud to say I’ve also been featured for my designs in the Wall Street Journal, Coastal Living magazine and Architectural Digest.
Preferred contact information:
Office Phone: 786-251-7588
Cell Phone: 786-251-7588
E-mail: casablancacampaign@gmail.com
Facebook: petercasablanca2016