Make sure you adopt healthy holiday habits

The holidays are just around the corner, and with them come the many temptations to let go of your healthy habits as you indulge in the abundance of food, drink, parties, shopping, late nights and more.

You know how it goes. You justify eating too many sweets, too much stuffing, marshmallow- covered sweet potatoes and all the other yummy food that is at every gathering, telling yourself that this opportunity only comes around once a year, it is the holidays after all and the food is part of the tradition, that just a little bit here and there is not a problem. Then you decide to skip exercise in exchange for attending a holiday event or recover from one the night before. And there is temptation to drink more than usual and not get enough rest, which can leave you tired, grumpy or even sick. Before you know it, your clothes are fitting a little tighter and you are not feeling quite as good about yourself.

Of course we all want to enjoy the holidays and all the goodies that make them special, but it does not have to be at the expense of your wellness and healthy habits. Rather than finding yourself heavier, exhausted, broke and depressed at the start of the New Year, why not decide now that you will make your health and good energy a top priority this holiday season.

Listed below are four tips to help you maintain your healthy habits through the holidays:


Set aside time on your calendar for your exercise routine. Take a walk, go to the gym, jump on your bike for a ride. Do something to get moving, to get the oxygen flowing and your heart pumping. Ask yourself: What exercise will I make a part of my schedule?


There is nothing wrong with enjoying holiday treats and delicious meals in moderation. Make a decision in advance that you will limit yourself to reasonable servings and choose long-term health over short-term satisfaction. Ask yourself: What can I do today that will help me stay focused on healthy choices through the holidays?


Gifts do not have to be expensive to be meaningful. And holiday gatherings do not need to be extravagant to be fun and joyous. Ask yourself: What is my holiday budget? What changes can I make now to better manage finances through the holidays?


The holidays are jam-packed with activities, parties, receptions and networking opportunities. While it is fun to reconnect with friends and colleagues, it can also be draining and overwhelming keeping up with it all. Make time to revive and rejuvenate yourself regularly. Ask yourself: What will I do to ensure that I make time for myself in the flurry of holiday activities?

If you are ready to make yourself a priority in your life and would like to explore how coaching may support you, call me to schedule your discovery session. Happy Holidays!

Pat Morgan has an MBA and is a professional coach. She works with busy professionals to help them become more profitable and productive by capitalizing on their strengths, improving habits for balance and wellness, and taking focused action to create powerful change. She may be contacted by calling 305-458-2849 or by email at

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