MDX’s 836 Southwest Extension Project Garners Support

Over the past 3 months, almost 45,000 of MDX toll-paying daily commuters were asked in a survey, their thoughts on MDX’s future plans.

SR 836 SW extensionOne question asked where users want their toll dollars invested once the current reconstruction and modernization of SR 836 and the SR 874 extension to SW 128th St. are finished.

Results showed that 86% of the respondents felt MDX should continue with its balanced plan of extending the current system into underserved communities (Northwest, Northeast, West and Southwest Miami-Dade) with multi-modal solutions.

The project with the strongest support is the SR 836 Southwest Extension, with more than 9,200 respondents identifying it as their single most important project, viewed as a key to ease traffic congestion in southwest Dade County, West Kendall, East Kendall and Coral Reef/Countrywalk.

“Throughout the planning study phase we have seen great support for the project from adjacent residents and commuters in the service area. Listening to the input and priorities of those that use and pay for our roads is important as they are the ones that sustain the funding for all of MDX’s projects,” said Louis Martinez Esq., MDX Chairman of the Board of Directors.

The SR 836 Southwest Extension gives Miami-Dade County a third major north to south expressway corridor serving Southwest Miami-Dade: the Palmetto to the east, the Turnpike in the center and the SR 836 Extension along the western edge. The project will also extend the MDX Strategic Plan concept of SR 836 XT Lanes (Express/Technology lanes) into Southwest Dade County to serve as platforms not only for Express Bus Service but also prepares the infrastructure for the future for use by automated vehicles. The extension is envisioned as a multi-modal facility that will interface with future transit hubs in the area.

The SR 836 Southwest Extension is planned as a western beltway to shift rush hour traffic patterns by allowing residents living west of 137th Avenue from Tamiami Trail to Coral Reef Drive to access SR 836 within 5 to 10 minutes after leaving their homes in the morning by traveling west to access the extension. 

“Providing a new beltway for those residents and businesses west of 137 Avenue will not only help alleviate traffic congestion but also traffic cutting through neighborhood streets. This “counter flow” or redistribution of traffic coupled with the transit components is a game changer for the region,” said Mr. Martinez.

The planning phase is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2018 to then immediately proceed to design, permitting and eventual construction of the first segments of this positively impactful project to the Miami-Dade Community, following approvals by the Miami-Dade County Board of County Commissioners and the Transportation Planning Organization.

About MDX
MDX is a user funded not-for-profit agency operates and maintains five user-supported expressways in Miami-Dade County –  SR 112/Airport Expressway, SR 836/Dolphin Expressway, SR 874/Don Shula Expressway, SR 878/Snapper Creek Expressway, and SR 924/Gratigny Parkway.  MDX expressways are funded by toll revenue, which is reinvested back into the community and funds the construction of projects that alleviate traffic congestion, create thousands of local jobs and provide new opportunities to small and local businesses.

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