Pinecrest Florida is buzzing with one major boast—it is a green community. Sure, Pinecrest is on the
southern tip of the state and has a year-round warm season where plants can grow perennially, but that
is not the kind of green the town is so excited about. Pinecrest is green when it comes to energy
conservation. Here’s some of the latest Pinecrest news on being green.
While the town has many years of environmental conservatism behind it, in the upcoming years, it will
be marked by even more aggressive attempts to lower the entire community’s carbon footprint, a fact
worth taking pride in. Pinecrest is fighting global warming by joining with the US Conference of Mayor’s
CPA (Climate Protection Agreement). In addition they are reassessing their school buildings and
practices to make a greener education available for local students.
The community is highlighting simple practices like education on purchasing Energy Star appliances for
homes when it is time to replace old ones. The local government has taken time to display charts
detailing the lifetime savings of making such purchases. Furthermore, they are working to educate the
population on green business practices. Simple awareness campaigns such as reminding employees to
turn off the computer when they step away and placing indoor plants around the office highlight the
strategy of this Florida locale to be greener.
Simple tips that most people take for granted serve as the backbone to a green community and Pinecrest has taken that advice to heart. In the home, the Pinecrest awareness campaign stresses quick fixes like lowering the air conditioning by only two degrees to save thousands of pounds of carbon dioxide pollution a day.
The goal in Pinecrest, Florida is to be a green community in as many ways as possible. The government
and residents want to be to make big changes by doing small tasks like shutting off the water while they
brush their teeth. Through imagination, the town could reduce pollution without inconveniencing a
single resident. Changes like these can cost so little, and Floridians believe it is a manageable and
achievable shift in their way of life.