As another high school football season is about to kickoff in the nations #1 community for high school football…South Florida. I will be writing a blog for The Community Newspaper. This blog will consist of my expertise in scholastic sports in South Florida for 25 years. It is not my opinion…it is my expertise of scholastic, collegiate and professional sports. It will be at times controversial but it will ALWAYS be written perfectly for a parent who wants the best for their child/athlete. I am biased to parents and especially single head of household parent. It is extremely hard rasing a boy by yourself, it’s even worst if he is an athlete and God be with you if he is a STAR athlete…this will turn your entire adult life upside down. It will also bring you hate and jealousy from friends and especially family…Them damn Uncles
I am very confortable in my opinions and expertise…in Twenty Five years what i dont know?…i have amassed multitude of contacts to seek and obtain first hand information and answers. I will always be reachable to any parent who wish information…Any. I will end the high school football season with a comprehensive academic and human development symposium FREE to all SFLA parents.
As a parent when you were in high school it was a amateur sport played on Friday nights for fun….TODAY high school sports is “BUSINESS”.