As Shakespeare said in Romeo & Juliet, “Let me put a little excitement up in yo’ lifestyle.” Actually, it was Ludacris preaching along with Jamie Foxx all aboard the Spontaneous Express extolling the virtues of providing our beloved partners with something unpredictable, but who’s checking? As February 14th draws nearer, lovers everywhere are sweating Cupid’s demands.
If you have any remnants of cultivated taste, Valentine’s Day can be particularly challenging. Given the eye-level position that Lindt, Toblerone, Godiva, and Ghirardelli have commandeered at Publix, any chocolate at this point seems like dressed-up Hershey’s. Diamonds are forever? Every kiss begins with Kay, Jared the Galleria of Jewelry, and Zales Ever Us commercials could not be any cheesier. Flowers are always a lovely gesture, but hardly original.

A surprise cruise may seem exclusive till you imagine driving through that senseless tunnel, boarding, enduring feeble entertainment, overeating at midnight, tipping, and disembarking like cattle. Dinner always appears fine, but the cheap champagne and red cocktail dresses surrounding you may damage any hopes for a dignified vibe.
The Florida Panthers go against the Nashville Predators on Saturday the 13th, for all of you looking for a head start toward love in all the wrong places. Let’s spare Andrea Bocelli who performs at the Hard Rock, but really, how can Time to Say Goodbye save a relationship? Given these restraints, what’s an aspiring romantic to do? When love breaks down and big plans malfunction, inspiration awakens. This year for Valentine’s Day, promise your partner that you will take dance lessons!
What could be more considerate than finally agreeing to join your better half in a shared tactile encounter where embracing the embrace rekindles the flame that got you together in the first place? Here are this year’s Valentine’s Day suggestions.

Salsa lessons are one option, and the University of Miami’s long-running club, SalsaCraze, is delightful, welcoming, and economical to boot. Instructors are sympathetic, patient, and talented.
Consider this, you are advancing your relationship, acquiring some flair, and simultaneously deepening your love for a price so reasonable the two of you won’t even begin to detect it. SalsaCraze specializes in Rueda de Casino, a circular Cuban system where dancers rotate partners, which will create just enough of the scent of mystery to keep your relationship from becoming lackluster. Classes are held twice weekly when the U is in session, and each meeting includes three one-hour sessions beginners, intermediate and advanced. Soon, you will be able to drop it like it’s hot. Rhythmically challenged hopefuls can just groove to the great music. If the shoe fits, schools like Salsateros way West, Salsa Lovers, and Salsa Karibe may also fit the bill.
If passion and intimacy elicit more ardor than oysters, blue movies, Victoria’s Secret unterhosen, and salsa, tango might be up your alley.
Having recently enjoyed Glories of Tango at the wonderful Miami Jewish Film Festival, the milonga’s virtues materialized. Tango Ocho and Cubaocho on Calle Ocho or Diego Santana at Siga la Vaca in the Gables will teach you to glide elegantly and transport you to Buenos Aires.
For those hoping to closely embrace a special Valentine’s Day in 2016, consider moving your feet.
Carl Rachelson is a teacher at Palmer Trinity School and a regular contributor to the Pinecrest Tribune. He may be contacted by addressing email to crachelson@palmertrinity.org.