Things that students can do to make a difference

So, with the 2016 presidential election over, are there things that students can do right now to make a difference in our country?

By the time you read this column it will be over with a new POTUS. So that truly makes the answer to the above question as bipartisan as ever.

During the campaign we heard everyone say, “I will make a difference,” “I can make a difference,” “I am the difference-maker,” and so on.

So our kids are listening to all of the candidates and their surrogates comforting us by saying they will be responsible for making the country a better place. But students say – what about us?

Where is the opportunity to make a difference if the political cycle has taken the opportunity in every sound bite and on-air/in person appearance to say they, and they alone will make THE difference. Please…we yield more power than any one person ever will!

Initiating a positive exchange is a hallmark of a difference maker. We can simultaneously make major contributions to society—both to help other people and feel good about their choices—while making a difference in their everyday lives. We can do things both large and small, for others and ourselves, every day if we choose to.

With the next chapter of American History ready to go – I listed the underlying tenets and foundation from the Student Success Project Presentation. Needless to say, these points would be quite welcomed in any administration’s first 100 Days.

1. Wake up.
2. Make a difference in yourself, for the better. Such an inward difference always has rippling outward benefits.
3. Make it a habit to respect everyone.
4. Consider the people you see each day. Sometimes we all get wrapped up in things we are working on— fundraisers etc. But the coworker, family member, pet right next to you are the people you can truly reach and touch.
5. Operate from a place of love.
6. Be kind to others. In this busy world people become self consumed and forget that kindness goes a long way.
7. Talk to someone that you think might be in distress. You may make the difference of a lifetime.
8. Simply show up. Just put your soul into it. If you show up physically with the soles of your feet, the heart, mind, and soul will have a chance to follow or catch up.
9. Smile.
10. Be more involved in the world. You can’t be a spectator forever.
11. Be the change you wish to see in the world.
12. Be gentle and practice sympathetic joy.
13. Start really listening to the people around you. People crave attention. People feel loved when given attention.. Give love. And listening is an act of love.
14. Listen. Give. Do.
15. Teach your kids by example; be caring, open minded, have good manners and remember to smile.
16. Be a true you…positive energy attracts.
19. Love.
20. Find someone that needs a smile and give them that smile, once a day for the rest of your life, and like a ripple in a pond it will be carried onwards.
21. Speak without saying a word. A lot can be said without words.
22. Learn to be aware of all the wonder we have around us, let the past be in the past and not part of the future. Choose life every day, be grateful for whatever you have, and most important share, share, share—spread as much love as you can.

How are you making a difference in the world?

This column is by Ritchie Lucas, founder of The Student Success Project and previously Think Factory Marketing. He can be reached at 305-788-4105 or via email at, and on Facebook and YouTube as The Student Success Project.

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