It is hard to believe that 2012 is more than half over already. Time seems to fly! It seems like only yesterday we were celebrating the beginning of the New Year and making plans to make our dreams come true.
How are you doing? Have you made the progress you intended so far? Are you proud of your accomplishments and feeling great about the goals you are working toward? Or do you need to refocus and recommit to achieving them and keeping those New Year’s resolutions?
Rather than punish yourself if you have fallen short of your own expectations, why not stop and assess where you are so that you can get back on track to move forward. Now is an excellent time to check in and get a new perspective.
Take a look at your accomplishments since the beginning of the year. Are you on track? Have you lost sight of some goals the past few months? Acknowledge the progress that you have made and determine which goals you will continue to pursue.
Ask yourself: What have I accomplished to date?
Are you clear about what you want to achieve? Are your goals based on your true values or on something you feel you should do or ought to do? Give yourself permission to re-define or even eliminate goals that may no longer fit.
Ask yourself: What do I want to achieve?
Are you committed to achieving your goals? Decide that you will do what it takes to be successful in accomplishing the goals that are important to you.
Ask yourself: Am I committed to my success?
Any endeavor is easier and more fun when shared with another. Having a teacher, mentor or a coach who is there to nurture and support you, to offer feedback and perspective, and to challenge you to do more than you could accomplish on your own will increase your likelihood for success.
Ask yourself: Who will I ask to support me in reaching my goal?
It is challenging to focus on everything at once. There is power in focus and intention. Having a success partner or coach can help you have the support you need to maintain perspective, stay focused and take the action that will guide you to the achievement and progress you desire. Reaching your goals should not be drudgery, but rather a source of joy and accomplishment as you create the future you dream of.
Are you ready to get on track for success this year? Get started now to make your dreams a reality. Call me to schedule your 30- minute complimentary coaching session.
Pat Morgan, MBA and professional coach, works with busy professionals to help them become more profitable and productive by capitalizing on their strengths and taking focused action to create powerful change. Call her at 305-458-2849, email <PatMorgan@SmoothSailingSuccess.com> or visit her website at <www.SmoothSailingSuccess.com>.