’Tis the season for a Field of gratitude

’Tis the season for a Field of gratitude
’Tis the season for a Field of gratitude
Over the holidays, James Field visits the Farmer’s Market at Pinecrest Gardens (Sundays, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.) for the season’s best bounty of fruit, vegetables, and specialty products.

Thanksgiving is such a wonderful holiday. Even the name makes everything seem so much brighter: Thanks + giving = The Perfect Holiday!

And, while other countries have their own version of Thanksgiving, ours is unique as it commemorates the birth of the New World. As we learned in school, the Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Indians joined together for an autumn harvest feast, which was the first Thanksgiving celebration in the US; and, in 1863, in the midst of Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national Thanksgiving Day to be held each November.

One of the most wonderful things about Thanksgiving is getting together with friends and family for a day of fun, football, and food, and food, and great food. As those who read my blogs know by now (and, thank you for reading my thoughts), my family has been in the agricultural and food distribution business for years and I am proud of the relationship that we’ve come to develop with Publix, our best and finest local supermarket.

With over 775 locations in Florida, you certainly can’t miss Publix when you consider shopping for your bird and fixin’s. They were “local” before “local” was cool and they tailor their corporate giving to the needs of each local community through numerous charity programs.

In my position as Director of Business Development for Frey Farms, we also are proud to be a local company, strategically located in several states so that we can specialize in shipping locally, fresh-grown produce. A great thing about being local is we can provide fruits and vegetables quickly to the local retailers that depend on providing quality.

One of the products that I am most proud of is our new Tsamma line of cold-pressed watermelon juice. You can’t miss the distinctive design of the bottle – watermelon red and green. Find it at your local Publix in the area where they sell refrigerated specialty juices. It is priced right and really delicious with the juice of over 1½ pounds of watermelon in every bottle.

So, I’m done with the commercial (although, I’m not kidding – Tsamma is truly good and really good for you).

Thanksgiving is a time for relaxing – not just after you slip into a turkey trance –
and for embracing how fortunate we are to live in this outstanding community and remarkable country.

Yes, it’s a time to sit back for a moment and take inventory of all the good in your life. Remember to share your thoughts in words and giant gestures of love and appreciation with family, friends, and community, as I will be on this day.

Wishing you and yours the warmest Thanksgiving – and, hoping your gratitude and generosity remains all throughout the year.

About James Field: James is committed to keeping in touch with the Pinecrest community and hopes you welcome his insights on issues affecting Village residents. James grew up in Pinecrest, graduated UM, and is currently director of business development for Frey Farms, a large agriculture company. He also founded Dogmadik, a supply-chain management company for emerging restaurant brands. Please send an e-mail

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