Village parks get lightning alert technology

State-of-the-art lightning-detection technology has been installed in Pinecrest parks to help protect Village residents and park visitors.

Under the new lightning detection system, if there is a 97 percent chance of a lightning strike within two miles of the park, a warning horn will sound for 15 seconds. The system provides an eight- to 20- minute advance warning to allow park visitors time to find shelter in a building or car.

An amber strobe will flash and continue flashing until the storm has passed to alert hearing impaired people. Once conditions for a lightning strike have abated, three five-second alarms will sound to indicate that it is safe to resume outdoor activities.

The lightning detection system also will assist area residents in proximity to Pinecrest parks, alerting them to when it is not safe to be outside during a weather event.

The lightning-detection system will only be operational only during hours that the park is open to the public.

For more information, call the Pinecrest Parks and Recreation Department at 305- 284-0900.

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