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As you may or may not know, here at Fred Astaire Pinecrest we love to give back to our community– but we found ourselves unable to participate as much as we wanted with a regular business. We opened a 501c3 charity, the Whitney Dance Foundation, this past year, which has enabled us to start several more charity initiatives and give back to our community even more. (Please check the links for additional information or videos!)

You can learn about Whitney Dance Foundation and how we got started here

and if you’re still curious you can view us on Guidestar, the charity Navigator, here, where we earned a gold seal for transparency.

But this is the part where we need your help.

Thus far, we have been entirely self-funded, through a variety of private donations from some wonderful people and business losses, but that isn’t sustainable and doesn’t allow us to continue our work in the community–

Our scholarship program cannot grow to include more of the incredible humans that need our help while they battle cancer and recover from many life-changing illnesses.

Our Dancing Like the Stars Miami fundraiser for the Resiliency Foundation, to provide mental health treatment for our first responders, is at risk of not being able to continue for the third year due to funding issues.

Our Stroke program which requires assistance with grant writing and scholarship funds to provide a legitimate research study with the university of miami has thus far been unable to get off the ground.

Our Dancing Thru Life program was entirely funded by private donors the first year, and while we are trying to expand it into additional schools, having funding for volunteers to pay their expenses or buy supplies for disadvantaged children will help the program continue.

But here’s how you can help — it’s easy, and some of the ways you can help us only require a few seconds of your time!
We’re registered for Give Miami Day this year for the first time!

Give Miami EARLY GIVING started yesterday, November 13 and runs through November 15. November 16 is the OFFICIAL Give Miami Day drive.

You can use the link above to make a direct donation to the foundation above, which will allow us to put those funds towards our projects we mentioned earlier.

You can SHARE that link or page on your social media, which allows us to reach more local people in the greater miami area, the community we love to support and provide outreach in. You can even share this email to people you know, love, work with, who might be interested in what we’re doing.

But even faster (and easier) you can help us win Give Miami Day Bonuses by checking our Facebook page for details –there’s a TON of them we are eligible to win which is essentially “free” grant money!

One of them is to like our #donationdance on tiktok and instagram on Give Miami Day (Thursday, November 16) — the entities with the most “likes” on their donation dance win! (We’re a dance foundation… that should be easy!)

Additional ways we can win include having the most “unique” donors — IE, the most people who donate to our foundation, even if they are donating 1$, and so forth, and the times they donate, etc. You can see our Facebook Page for Fred Astaire Pinecrest for details about the additional bonuses we can win.

Anything you can do — if it’s send this email to other people, share our Give Miami Day page on our social media, or like our #donationdance on November 16 – we are so, so, so grateful.

Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts –

Elizabeth Whitney-Gersh


Whitney Dance Foundation

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