The other morning as I was running across the Rickenbacker Causeway, enjoying the fresh breeze and amazing views, I began reflecting on the past year and how much my life has changed in just 12 short months.
It is amazing when you think about how much change we experience in the span of a year. There have been some big changes for me, like moving to a new home, expanding my business to include wellness and anti-aging solutions, attracting new clients and partnering with new associates to develop business in Argentina and Colombia. On the personal side, I have totally changed my look, gotten back into running, and am making healthier lifestyle choices. It is extremely rewarding to look back over the year and see how things have unfolded as I have focused on my goals and taken action toward them.
There are other goals I did not reach, including a big one for my business. However, rather than focus on what did not happen, I will revise my timeline, rework my plan and continue taking steps for my desires to become reality. With a bright new year ahead, there are endless possibilities and fresh opportunities to make dreams come true.
The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to take stock in yourself and get focused on changes that will benefit you in living life more fully. What will it take to make this year different?
Begin with a change of attitude. Focus on what is possible rather than looking at the obstacles that may get in the way or challenges that may hold you back. Eliminate thoughts of lack and fear; instead focus on thinking about and speaking about what you desire.
Why not make 2013 the year you go for it and play big? Isn’t it time to get serious about taking steps that lead to the changes you desire? If not now, when? Make a strong start now with these four keys:
• Decide what you want. What would you like to have more of in your life? Less of? Will you stay in the same career? Move to a new home? Start an exercise program? Make healthier choices for nutrition and wellness? Eliminate debt? Save more money? Travel? What do you really want?
• Commit to your goals. Until you are committed, your goal is just a wish. Rather than sitting around hoping things will change, decide that you will commit to doing something different in order to create different results in your life, your relationships or your career. • Chart your course. Create a plan to use as your roadmap and guide. It is easier to make progress when you have outlined the specific steps to take. A clear plan will act as a compass to keep you on course amidst the hundreds of distractions you will face along the way.
• Take action. Getting into action creates momentum and positive energy to propel you forward.
What will be different for you this year? The next 12 months do not have to be like the past 12. You have a golden opportunity for change to create success in a way that brings you joy and fulfillment. Why not make 2013 your best year ever!
Pat Morgan, MBA and Success Coach, works with busy professionals to become more profitable and productive by capitalizing on their strengths, improving habits for balance and wellness, and taking focused action to create powerful change. She may be contacted by calling 305-458-2849 or by email at