‘When words of wisdom are truly wise, listen carefully and hear with your eyes’

(I finally get to incorporate my love of Dr. Seuss. I think he would have liked my headline.)

The Speakers Spoke, The Administrators Admired, The Class President Presided, Parents Were Proud and The Graduates Wanted to Get Out. (And go to their parties.)

Generally that is what Graduation 2018 looked like across the country. Since this article appears AFTER school’s out, it’s interesting to look back and see if there’s any last second words of wisdom (you wish) could have been given to them as they walked across the stage to accept their diplomas and enter the next chapter of their lives.

Graduation day. It marks another rite of passage into true adulthood. As Dr. Seuss said, “You’re off to new places. You’re off to your dreams.”

Yes, it’s thrilling. Yes, the optimism engulfs you. Yes, it’s extremely scary as the unknown dredges up fear and doubt. And yes, when no one is around and can hear you, you ask yourself the question you’ve been avoiding the entire senior year – How will I know I’m ready? This is where the dreaded word reality paints its all-knowing picture.

Because of this, I have spent Student Success Project presentations and the one-on-one sessions discussing any life-changing advice which could have been missed.

Here a few of the most discussed.

1 – A college degree guarantees nothing. (Except debt.)

Needless to say earning your degree only opens doors for you. It doesn’t mean you’ll get to walk right through those doors with ease. It might be a decade until you get to where you want to be. Be prepared to work your way up, even after the next diploma is in your hands.

2 – Adult life is extremely expensive. (Extremely.)

Trust me, at some point after graduation I never thought that BOGOS would be exciting. Whenever you think you’ve properly finagled your budget, something breaks. The freedom of adult life comes at a hefty price, and your disposable income might not allow for those “things” you feel entitled to.

3 – Friends will come and go. (You will be one of those friends to someone.)

Everyone always talks about high school friendships lasting forever.
Sometimes they do. Sometimes they don’t. Over the next few years, you’ll learn people will fade in and out of your life. At some point in your life, it might feel as if there is a friendship revolving door. Know that’s okay. Learn to be your own friend and be confident enough to trek through time solo. Also know, though, that as friends make their exit, new people will enter your life. Learn to appreciate the present and who is in your life.

4 – Every choice you make WILL impact your future. (Take nothing for granted.)

Even seemingly trivial decisions can lead your life down a different path. Be conscious of ALL your choices and their effect, but don’t obsess over them to the point of overwhelming yourself. Trust your instincts. Regrets are a natural accompaniment to freewill. Sometimes you just have to do the best you can at the time and understand that everyone wishes they’d done some/many things differently.

5 – “Salary” is just a scorecard, nothing else. (When you do what you love, the money will come.)

At some point everyone thinks money equates to status and position. I’ve learned that equation isn’t necessarily true. Find what truly makes you feel alive and purposeful. Most of the times, the decimals and commas aren’t the answer.

6 – Don’t be afraid to be surprised. (It’s not always as scary as you think.)

In high school, you’re told to plan for the future. However, I’ve learned over the years the best things in life aren’t things we ever expected. We often end up in totally different places than we could’ve ever imagined. Surprise twists aren’t always a bad thing.

7 – You can never be fully prepared, so just enjoy the crazy ride. (But hold on very tightly.)

Nothing more needs to be said.

This column is by Ritchie Lucas, Founder of The Student Success Project and Think Factory Marketing. He can be reached at 305-788-4105 or via email at ritchie@thinkfactory.com and on Facebook and You Tube as The Student Success Project.

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