Millions of people suffer from chronic knee pain everyday…don’t be one of them! Call toll free at: 1-855-598-CELL (2355) and let the team of experts at StemCell Miami evaluate your condition.
One of the most innovative ways to manage pain today, is the clinical application of stem cell therapy. Advances in stem cell strategies have flourished over the past 15 years, allowing physicians the opportunity to now treat several diseases that don’t respond to traditional treatments.
Acclaimed Dr. Ramon Castellanos and his StemCell Miami team have been extremely successful at treating many of these painful orthopedic conditions with the use of PRP (Plasma Rich Platelets) and also with stem cell transplants (for the more severe cases).
So if you, a friend or relative suffers from this debilitating condition, please contact us at (888) 598-CELL or (305) 598-7777 to see if these innovative procedures can help! Visit or follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (add social media logos below). You can also watch our amazing testimonial videos on our YouTube Channel.
#KneePain #StemCellMia #DrRamonCastellanos #MiracleDoctor #RegenerativeMedicine #LetYourOwnBodyHealYou