There is more than just the Presidential election this coming November 6. We have numerous local races that impact your lives just and much as the leaders of the national tickets. You should start your due diligence to determine how you will vote. I have listed the Village / Town election lists for Pinecrest, Palmetto Bay and Cutler Bay.
I have been asked if I will get involved (as well as being asked by numerous candidates to get involved). Will I? The answer is ‘of course I will.’ I will be providing my analysis and recommendations for your consideration.
We have already had a few miscues in Palmetto Bay, starting with misrepresentations circulating by some candidates, elected or challenges, misrepresenting that they do in fact have my support (you know who you are). I have already commented on some of the misbehavior in a prior post of Saturday, August 18, 2012, “The escalation of gutter politics. Let’s vote out bad leadership in November. Village candidate chases apparent political sign stealer all over Miami | Featured.” Elected officials and their supporters should be working hard to set examples that we are proud of. I do ask that you, the voter, regardless of community, vote the positive candidate and not reelect any current official, who cannot move forward on a positive agenda.
I will be keeping a very close eye on these elections and offer my support to the positive campaigns and properly call out the negativity.
The list (alphabetically):
Cutler Bay
Vice Mayor:
Ernest N. Sochin
Ed Wolmers
Seat 2:
Sue Loyzelle* Congratulations to Town Council Member Loyzelle, who was reelected without opposition.
Palmetto Bay
Vice Mayor:
Karyn Cunnigham
John Edward DuBois
Brian W. Pariser
Council Seat 2:
Jim Araiza
Tim Schaffer
Howard J. Tendrich
Cindy Lerner* Congratulations to Mayor Lerner, who was reelected without opposition.
Seat 1:
Germaine Butler
Robert Ross
Jennifer Wollmann
Seat 3:
Robert Hingston
James McDonald
Please note that Palmetto Bay has numerous proposed Charter Changes on the Ballot that may profoundly change (and not necessarily for the better) how your local government functions. I will be posting comments that I hope will assist you in determining how to vote.
Town of Cutler Bay Vice Mayoral Candidate Forum, hosted by the Concerned Citizens of Cutler Bay – Tuesday, September 4th, 7pm. The Concerned Citizens of Cutler Bay will hold a Candidate Forum between incumbent Ernie Sochin and challenger Ed Wolmers. The event takes place at Cutler Ridge United Methodist Church, located at Old Cutler Road and Marlin.