The City of Homestead’s Planning and Zoning Board is an advisory committee to Mayor and Council that reviews and recommends plans and programs for the systematic growth and development of the City. It is the board members responsibility to take into consideration the health, safety, beautification, and welfare of the residents of Homestead. Part of their duties is to review capital improvement programs, comprehensive plan amendments for future land use, land development regulations, and rehabilitation of existing structures all designed to promote and improve the quality of life of the community.
The majority of the City board must be Homestead residents and have resided within the City for a minimum of one year prior to their appointment to the board. Two members of the board may be non-residents who own a business located within Homestead city limits, which has been in operation for at least three years. The current board consists of seven, distinguished individuals who have professional backgrounds in architecture, building construction, engineering, and medicine.
Mr. Edward Powell is a retired electrical engineer who has been actively involved in Homestead, serving as the Keys Gate Condo President for two years and graduated from the first Homestead’s Citizen Academy.
Mr. Daniel Carter is currently a financial advisor for Morgan Stanley Smith Barney and has been a resident of Homestead since 1975. Mr. Carter is also a board member of the Kiwanis of Homestead/South Dade and the Homestead Soup Kitchen.
Mr. Ronald J. Dorris is the business owner of a full service architectural firm that has been located in Homestead for over 25 years.
Dr. Jeffrey Raines is a retired faculty member of the University of Miami Department of Surgery. He is a published author who did numerous studies and research in the field of Cardiovascular Diseases. Dr. Raines has been a Homestead resident for the past seven years.
Mr. James Sutton a Homestead resident has over 33 years of professional experience in accounting, purchasing, and contracting. He is the owner and operator of South Florida Audio Video and the Executive Director for the Everglades Association.
Mr. Michael Taylor has over 26 years of construction experience in such trades as a supervisor of work crews and a licensed Master Pipe Fitter. He currently supervises the construction progress of affordable homes by Workforce Development Partnership, Inc.
Mr. James Harris owns Harris & Schroeder Builders, Inc. a full-service construction firm located in Homestead specializing in residential, commercial, and remodeling since 1960. Mr. Harris, a third generation builder has worked with his father most of his life and has been an equal partner since 1987 and the sole owner since 1998.
As vacancies occur, residents and the general public are encouraged to submit resumes and file applications for consideration. Once qualified candidates have applied the board members are appointed by the Mayor , subject to the approval of the City Council. Appointments are for two years or until the appointing Mayor leaves office, whichever occurs first. Monthly meetings are held the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 8:30 AM. Meetings are open to the public.