The City of Homestead will hire a head hunter to select their next City Manager after the resignation of former City Manager Sergio Purrinos. Julio Brea is Acting City Manager until a permanent City Manager is hired.
Vice Mayor Judy Waldman, Management Review Committee Chairperson, is coordinating the effort to recruit and select the new City Manager. Mrs. Waldman believes that a formal selection process including the engagement of a head hunter is the best way to proceed. “There is a great deal of interest in the City Manager position. A formal and arms length recruitment process conducted by a consultant will ensure the highest quality applicants for the City. I expect a short list of three to five applicants from which the City Council will choose,” said Waldman.
The firm that the City will be using, Colin Baenziger & Associates, was highly recommended and has great experience in public sector executive personnel recruitment. The cost for the head hunter’s activities will be $21,000. “I consider the head hunter’s fee as money well spent. Homestead is a small City. We simply don’t have the in-house resources to properly handle this,” said Waldman. According to the consultant’s timetable the new City Manager will be selected on or about December 6th.
Vice Mayor Waldman wants the recruitment fast-tracked and a City Manager on the ground as soon as possible. “I want the Council to hire a new City Manager before the end of the year,” said Waldman.