The first ever Homestead elected official to lead the Miami-Dade County League of Cities was installed this past Saturday, February 7, 2015. Councilman Jon Burgess’ swearing in ceremony took place during the League’s annual elegant gala at Jungle Island in the City of Miami.
The event kicked off with all things Homestead. The Homestead Police Honor Guard performed the presentation of colors and Councilman Burgess’ son, JR, led the Pledge of Allegiance. However, the true highlight of the evening was Councilman Burgess’ speech.
He pledged to work hand-in-hand with the MDCLC Board to make sure the League grows with the ever-changing needs of its members. As well as, to focus on the issues important to Miami-Dade County’s many diverse citizens such as transportation, home rule, and restoring trust through great leadership—calling attention to examples from his experience.
“In Homestead, our elected body is a diverse group of people who each see the world in very different ways, but somehow, we are able to also find a way to work together to solve problems,” said Councilman Burgess.
Serving as President, Councilman Burgess will have the distinct privilege of leading and setting priorities for the prestigious Miami-Dade County League of Cities, which encompasses 34 municipalities. The League was established in 1953 for the purpose of uniting the common interests of the municipalities within Miami-Dade County. The League has evolved throughout the years, but continues to work together with the municipalities’ elected officials on important issues that affect the residents and business communities of the respective cities, towns, and villages.
Councilman Burgess closed his speech with a strong call to action for his colleagues. “Let’s not be afraid to address government corruption when we see it. My hope is that this year we can work to restore the public trust by addressing the corrosive issues that corrupt our system.”