At 0938 Miami-Dade Fire Rescue (MDFR) responded to the report of a horse that was trapped in a ditch. It was reported that the horse was spooked by a passing car and fell into the ditch. Neighbors in the area report that due to the ditch being so close to the road and overgrown with weeds; there have been a number of previous horse rescues at this location.
When MDFR emergency units arrived they found a large horse that had fallen into a 7 1/2 foot arrow ditch. The initial unit on-scene requested that the MDFR Large Animal Rescue Team be dispatched to the scene to assist with the rescue. When the Large Animal Rescue Team arrived they utilized specialized tools that allow supportive straps be placed under the animal in a safe location. A large backhoe was called to the seen and utilizing the specialized tools and trying the horse was removed form the ditch. The owner of the horse reports that he is doing fine and only sustained a few scratches.
Miami-Dade Fire Rescue is one of only a small number emergency services in the US that provide large animal rescue services. This specialized team goes through extensive training that includes large animal anatomy, specialized tools, ropes, strapping, and lifting devices. Although Miami-Dade County is considered urban, there is a large rural area that residents maintain a high number of large animals. This specialized team stays busy throughout the year rescuing many types of large animals.