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I’m all about jobs and local employment, which is why I support the South-Dade Logistics & Technology District.
Miami Community Newspapers’ motto is shop here, buy here. All of us as a community should be supporting and feeding our neighbors and the South-Dade Logistics & Technology District promises to do that and more!
We have a unique opportunity in front of us to position South Dade – and all of Miami-Dade County – for long-term economic growth. The Strategic Economic Development Plan for South Dade tell us that there are 240,500 workers who live in South Dade and over 70 percent of them have to leave everyday to work. That means local dollars are feeding families in some other part of South Florida. That’s not good for us.
Through careful expansion into a designated Urban Expansion Area—land that has been previously identified for future expansion in the County’s Development Master Plan—the District will create a major new employment center in South Dade and attract investment in logistics, technology and light manufacturing. The entrepreneurs behind the South-Dade Logistics & Technology District promise to create more than 17,000 permanent new jobs, which will be the foundation for growth for years to come.
This District would be a game changer for South Dade, becoming a magnet for private investment, diversifying the local economy and creating tens of thousands of new in-demand logistics and tech jobs. The idea is simple. Bring the jobs closer to people and they won’t have to travel as far to get to work. By locating jobs closer to where South Dade residents live, the District will reduce historically long commutes and traffic congestion and improve the overall quality of life for South Dade residents.
While it’s true that there are some developable land tracts remaining inside the imaginary Urban Development Boundary Line, they aren’t large enough, close enough to major roadways like the Florida Turnpike, and are not contiguous to one another in order to attract large logistics and manufacturing companies. According to industry experts, modern industrial facilities often require 40 acres of land at minimum. The visionaries behind the District also intend to create a thriving industrial hub rather than one-off buildings.
Although some critics have raised some environmental concerns surrounding the project, these concerns seem to be overstated. This is not environmentally sensitive land. The proposed area has virtually no wetland areas, is located outside the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan area, and is located east of the salt-water intrusion line, which means it is not a threat to any Miami-Dade fresh-water aquifers or wellfields. There are also no threatened or endangered species, flora or fauna, within the District.
Additionally, the District will have an immediate positive impact on our beloved Biscayne Bay by eliminating fertilizer runoff—the No. 1 problem facing the health of the Bay today. Currently, the fertilizer runoff from tree farming on the proposed District site drains directly into the C-102 Canal, which directly drains into Biscayne Bay, causing detrimental damage, including the killing of seagrass and fish. The District will capture all of its storm water runoff on-site and remove any potential runoff from draining into the C-102 Canal or neighboring properties. The project will also significantly reduce water usage on the property.
Well planned economic opportunities like the South Dade Logistics & Technology District do not come around very often. Let’s be sure we don’t miss it. Join us in supporting this transformational project.
Any comments, suggestions call me on my mobile at 305.323.8206