The William F. Dickinson Community Center offers a variety of programs, is a premium event location for weddings, quinces, and the like, as well as housing numerous meetings for the City and other government factions, with minimal staff.
First of all, we have an amazing Parks & Recreation Department and Quick Response Team! In addition, we have a large group of volunteers with various skill levels who enjoy sharing their knowledge with others and care deeply for Homestead and their Community Center that they not only want to see it succeed, but want to be A REASON it does! Both City officials and staff are grateful for their time and dedication they contribute and we tell them; but also every summer, we recognize them with a luncheon for having the desire and drive to give back to our community. On June 20, 2014, Ms. Jacki Pilkington, Ginny Velarde, and Larisa Salerno organized a lovely lunch and presentation at their home away from home, the Community Center.
We enjoyed several courses which were generously donated by Pollo Tropical, Olive Garden, Celebrity Rehab & Medical Center, Care Plus, Dr. Perez, and Chef Santi Gabino. Following lunch, Mayor Porter and I not only said thank you for their work but also took questions of which many shared similar concerns. This was such a great opportunity to connect and to represent our fellow colleagues and city staff in a personable and positive light.
As municipality, state, and federal legislatures encounter, address, and overcome many adversities throughout their parliamentary careers, it is always enjoyable to have this time with the people of their home community to set records straight, provide reasoning for decisions, and show gratitude in a friendly setting.
Next time you visit the William F. Dickinson Community Center, be sure to thank those who are there to ensure your visit is a pleasant one— Annie and Garry McKeehen, Beverly Whitehurst, Carol Fisher, Carol Silver, Clinton Solomon, Daniel Grusauskas, Dodie Reck, Jan Gillebaard, Lillian Dickinson, Lorraine Cutrer, Marge Ramirez, Mary Lou Scherer, Pat Prewett, Paul Muao, Reada Reilly, Richard Rowe, Tanya Eversole, Victor Fritz, and Wanda Haas.
I am so proud of my 13 years on City Council watching my community develop and change, while preserving its history and hometown feel. It is an honor to serve as Chairwoman to Parks & Recreation as I love our City parks and the people servicing them. I am grateful to our volunteers for helping not only those visiting our center, but also for the assistance they provide to our staff as well.