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Zach Mann is a 30 year resident of the City of South Miami, born and raised in Miami-Dade County. He attended Coral Gables Elementary, George Washington Carver Middle School, Ponce De Leon Junior High, Coral Gables Sr. High School, Miami-Dade College, and graduated from the University of Florida. He has been married for 30 years to his wife Rose, and they have two daughters who were born and raised in the City of South Miami. He is a retired federal law enforcement officer with 30 years of service. He has been active in local politics for many years, including eight years on the City of South Miami’s Planning and Zoning Board. As a board member, he initiated and championed the second-floor setback requirement on new residential construction which was designed to create more air, light, and green space between homes to maintain that hometown neighborhood feeling.
1. What prompted you to run for office?
“With the passing of Bicycle Bob Welsh, a friend and neighbor for the 30 years I have lived in South Miami, I want to continue the tradition of passion and concern for our city, its residents, businesses, and carry the great work that has already been done into the future. When I ran for Commissioner in 2006, I rode my red bicycle around town promoting the creation of what I called ‘Progress 2020, A Long Term Plan for the City to the year 2020.’ It’s now 2021 and I still have the same passion to help guide our city into the future with thoughtful planning and a unified sense of community. I was raised in South Florida, by a single mother who passed away when I was 16. Along with this, being married with twin daughters, and working in the community on issues such as the environment, community relations, children with disabilities, and homelessness, helps me bring a unique and varied perspective to our city and can be an asset to the community.”
2. What do you think are the most important and pressing issues in the City of South Miami at this time?
“South Miami, and all of South Florida, are faced with the issues of population growth, housing (including affordable housing), infrastructure (water, sewer, traffic, green, and blue park space), and resilience to both natural and man-made challenges such as climate change and sea-level rise. Addressing these issues requires setting aggressive goals and timelines but with actionable strategies. We need a blueprint to make South Miami better suited for today and built for tomorrow. Finally, we need to look at the impact the pandemic has had on all aspects of our community, and plan ways to address the adversity our community has endured today while also planning ahead to make South Miami a more resilient and prosperous community for the future.”
3. Why do you think you are the best person for the Commission seat?
“I love this city. It’s as simple as that. My wife and I still live in the same South Miami home that we raised our children in, which is only two doors down from the first home we bought as newlyweds! Our whole Miami family lives in the City of South Miami and this community has been responsible for so many of the incredible memories I have as a father, husband, and neighbor. I also believe I am the best candidate because of my broad experience with issues directly facing our community. I am a 30 year resident of South Miami, served 8 years on the Planning and Zoning Board, and I’ve seen, heard, and been impacted by what happens in our city for a long time. I believe I can bring a wealth of knowledge, understanding, and perspective to our collective future. And the truth is, I am now retired and want to spend my time helping the City, not for wealth, power, or influence – but because I care about this community and the place we all call home.”
Learn more about his campaign at
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