Commissioner Walter Harris was photographed recently with a group of activists while attending a Miami Beach rally outside city hall in support of a local referendum for the decriminalization of marijuana. Holding a sign depicting a giant pot leaf, Commissioner Harris appears relaxed and content surrounded by fellow supporters who presented a petition to the commission requesting anyone caught in possession of less than 20 grams of pot be fined $100 or less.
When asked about his presence at the rally Commissioner Harris said Miami Beach is the perfect forum for the issue as a popular resort area that ought to be in tune with what is going on around the nation. “Fifteen states and the District of Colombia have decriminalized possession of small amounts of marijuana and rather than tie up the court system, cost taxpayers money and delay police officers with more reports, this seems like a good solution for people who have no problem getting hold of marijuana and are going to continue to smoke regardless of its legal status.”
Director of the South Miami Drug-Free Coalition Margaret Sotham calls the argument a red herring. “What we know from looking at other states and communities and what we have learned from other states that have decriminalized small amounts of marijuana is that you are simply taking on one set of problems over another. So perhaps you trade court costs or lower court costs but what you end up with when you have greater access is more use and therefore more treatment, more addiction and more of a burden to society.”
Although Sotham concedes she did not have the immediate data at her fingertips she calls Harris’ argument inaccurate and shortsighted. “Marijuana use is the leading diagnosis for adolescents suffering from drug addiction and seeking treatment in the United States. Seen in its totality it is the reason for myriad problems like high academic dropout rates, juvenile crime, mental health problems and primary health issues as well.”
Commissioner Harris however says he does not believe that decriminalizing small amounts of marijuana for the casual user will encourage, increase or condone use for minors. “The idea that marijuana is a gateway drug is nonsense, it is not. Is alcohol a gateway drug? No deaths in the state of Florida or in the United States have ever been attributed to a marijuana overdose unlike alcohol and other drugs.”
Margaret Sotham and the South Miami Drug-Free Coalition essentially advocate rigorous scientific scrutiny and FDA approval of any new proposed drug. “Marinol, the synthetic version of THC, the main compound in marijuana went through a rigorous scientific process and was determined to have some benefit and became available through prescriptions. Our coalition supports that kind of scientific research if there is a medicinal value in the compounds. We are not about denying comfort and care to people who may be sick and could benefit from usage, we simply want to be sure there is a scientific process and approval beforehand. Smoking pot has not gone through this type of scrutiny.”
Public Information Officer for the State Attorney’s Office Ed Griffith says lobbying for change in marijuana usage by way of petitioning for a local ordinance is a moot point anyway since Florida state statutes established by the legislature dictate the law. “Prosecutors prosecute based on Florida statutes and misdemeanor arrests vary according to decisions made on the street. Cases for possession of small amounts of marijuana are rarely arrested on the spot but rather generally will get a notice to appear in court and will depend on the determination of the judge. There are no single indicators in terms of ultimate costs for these arrests. If you wish to change the law you should go to Tallahassee.”
Commissioner Harris suggested the police department should be contacted to inquire about issues related to the decriminalization of marijuana. Chief of Police Orlando Martinez de Castro of the South Miami Police Department had this to say: “my opinion on these matters is irrelevant because in this state and in my city, possession and usage of marijuana continues to be illegal. As police officers we do not create the law we enforce it. This is our job and we will always do it to the best of our ability.”
Director of the South Miami Drug-Free Coalition Margaret Sotham had one ultimate inquiry addressed to Commissioner Harris, “my question to the commissioner would be was he there in an official capacity or as a private citizen?”
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