Voters who live in District 7 of the County Commission, have an opportunity to vote JULIO ROBAINA on May 24, election day. Former State Representative and former Mayor Julio Robaina of South Miami, running for the District 7 County Commission seat.
Julio Robaina was widely considered one of the best Mayor’s South Miami has ever seen. He was very much a hands on Mayor and could be seen daily driving the streets of the City troubleshooting problems.
He was very much the same in the Florida Legislature, tackling the most difficult issues like condo reform, and working waterfront legislation.
Julio spent his career with AT and T and before them Bell South – but unlike many he was not an executive but a working person who understood what it means to be dependent on a weekly check. He reflected that attitude in his legislative service and his tenure as Mayor. He enjoyed an excellent reputation and relationship with the business community at the same time.
With the assault on local government being perpetrated in Tallahassee, the time is right for the service of someone like Julio Robaina who has the experience in Tallahassee to understand the complex issues that our county commissioners deal with. Local government is the government nearest the people and we believe that is where Julio Robaina will serve best – he sincerely likes people and thrives on solving problems for people.
We wholeheartedly support his election on May 24 and urge you to be careful and make sure if your choice is Robaina for Commission, it’s imperative — the future of our county is dependent on electing good people to these positions.
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