Cub Scout Pack 280 Making a Difference in our Community

Winning Webelos team at Webelos Woods this weekend April 13-15, 2018.

Each Thursday evening during the school year, the cafeteria at Ludlam Elementary comes alive with the energy of dozens of 5-10 year olds.  These children are learning about our community, practicing first aid, or building projects as they progress through the BSA Cub Scout program.

Cub Scout Pack 280 is an award-winning organization completing it’s 57th year as members of the South Miami community.  Part of the Boy Scouts of America – South Florida Council’s Hurricane District, the pack serves boys (and soon girls) from kindergarten through 5th grade.  While many of the scouts are Ludlam Elementary students, some come from other regions of the county to participate in the many offerings of Pack 280.

Pack 280 is a year-round program that continues through the summer and offers many opportunities to get out and explore South Florida.  It encourages family participation in all activities including campouts that range from Walt Disney World’s Fort Wilderness, to the Boy Scout’s private campground in the Keys and many of Florida’s State Parks.  Hiking is a big part of 280’s extracurricular activities outside the regular Cub Scout program. Starting in September, they begin training with progressively longer hikes around Miami, culminating with the annual Old Cutler Hike, a 14-mile trek from downtown Miami to St. Thomas Church on Red Road.  Other hikes this past year included a swamp slog to a cypress dome in Big Cypress National Preserve and a seven-mile hike through Everglades National Park. 

Cub Scouts is also a community serving organization.  Pack 280 visits police and fire stations, conducts cleanups both on their own and with organizations such as Miami-Dade’s Baynanza, marches in the Junior Orange Bowl and South Miami Parade of Elves, and post American flags on the graves of veterans each Memorial and Veteran’s Day.

This past weekend, the Webelos of Pack 280, who are fourth and fifth graders, were awarded the overall winner trophy at the Webelo’s Woods campout.  Webelos from all over the area competed in events such as knot tying, gateway building, dutch oven cooking and tug-of-war.  Pack 280 also boasts the current Cubmaster of the Year as well as a Silver Beaver recipient. The Silver Beaver is presented for distinguished service to persons who have made an impact on the lives of youth through years of service.

This past spring break, several scouts and their families spent the week in Washington DC, seeing and learning about our nation’s capital.  Highlights included tours of the National Portrait Gallery, the Capitol, the Library of Congress and Arlington National Cemetery along with the many Smithsonian Museums.  Some even participated in the March for Our Lives.

The BSA has invited girls into the Cub Scout program beginning this year.  This will allow time constrained parents an opportunity to participate in a scouting program with both sons and daughters.  Pack 280 already has many siblings who are ready to join; they have followed their brothers on hikes, campouts and meetings, and they’ve been unofficial members for years.

During the school year, den meetings are held weekly in the cafeteria at Ludlam Elementary on Thursday evenings from 7:00 PM until 8:30 PM.  All are welcome to come visit and see the great opportunities Scouting offers.  During the summer months, meetings are scheduled in various places to fit different activities.

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