A variety of issues relating to Israel will be discussed by Dr. Kenneth Stein, director of Emory University’s Institute for the Study of Modern Israel (ISMI), when he serves as Scholar In Residence at Congregation Bet Breira Samu-El Or Olom, 9400 SW 87 Ave., Friday, Feb. 11, to Sunday, Feb. 13.
Among the topics are “American Foreign Policy Toward Israel and the Middle East: Consistent or Not?,” “Precedents, Pitfalls and Prospects in Palestinian-Israeli Negotiations” and “The Intellectual Assault on Israel: How did it happen and what do we do about it?”
Dr. Stein, who has taught at Emory since 1977 where he founded and developed the ISMI and was the first director of the Carter Center, is recognized as an expert in Israel and Middle East relations.
An author of numerous books, including Making Peace Between Arabs and Israelis: Fifty Years of Negotiating Experience and Heroic Diplomacy: Sadat, Kissinger, Carter, Begin and the Quest for Arab-Israeli Peace, Dr. Stein served as an advisor to President Jimmy Carter during the 1980s and ’90s. In 1997 he founded the ISMI to promote teaching, research and learning that focuses on Israeli culture, foreign policy, history, society and politics.
Following a Friday night Shabbat dinner, Dr. Stein will present a sermon, “American Foreign Policy Toward Israel and the Middle East: Consistent or Not?” The Shabbat reservations-only dinner begins at 6 p.m., followed by the 7 p.m. service, which is open to the public. Dr. Stein will speak at 8 p.m. Cost for the dinner is $25 (before Feb. 4; $30 thereafter).
On Saturday at an 8 p.m. dessert reception at a private home, Dr. Stein will talk about “Precedents, Pitfalls and Prospects in Palestinian-Israeli Negotiations.” The dessert reception costs $18 (prior to Feb. 4; $21 thereafter).
Finally, during a 10 a.m.-noon brunch on Sunday at the synagogue, Dr. Stein — considered an outstanding lecturer — will speak on “The Intellectual Assault on Israel: How Did It Happen and What Do We Do About It?” Reservations are required for the brunch. Cost is $12, adults; $5 children and students with ID (prior to Feb. 4; $15/$7.50 thereafter).
For advance tickets/reservations or more information, contact Debby Grodnick at Bet Breira Samu-El Or Olom, 305-595-1500, ext. 128.