The members of the GFWC Coco Plum Woman’s Club heard writing skills of fifth graders from two area schools in its final meeting and installation of officers, May 11. For the second year, Coco Plum invited fifth graders from Riviera Day School and Westminster School to write essays showcasing writing skills learned in their elementary school years. This year’s topic: “The Person I Admire Most.”
CocoPlum members joined parents and other family members who beamed, chuckled and occasionally ‘turned beet read’ as they listened to recited essays of inspirational traits and influence on the authors, evoking emotions from tears of sentiment and sympathy to chuckles of irreverence and admiration.
The project is intended to demonstrate that students still endeavor to communicate with skill and meaning by learning the craft of the written word, while admiring and respecting parents and family.
The club’s “Celebration of the Craft of the Written Word” is only one of many projects marking the organization’s 100th anniversary of public service to the community in 2012.
Officers installed for 2011-12: Heike Leibkuchler, president; Ann Robson, first vice president; Mary Louise Winkler, second vice president; Dottie Zammas, recording secretary; Emilie Wenner, corresponding secretary, Sue Nichols, treasurer; Caroline Jensen, financial secretary; Marilyn Bourque, Nadine LaGuette, Sue Pettaapiece, Peggy Vital and Rosann Whitten, directors.